Friday, 30 September 2011

CYE gets OnBoard

We are now into our 4th week with our Friday afternoon Sailing Club in partnership with the RYA OnBoard Scheme. Headed up by Senior Instructor Jake Elsbury and assisted by former Centre Manager Gavin Jones, a number of local youngsters are improving and honing their dinghy skills during the 2 hours from 4.00pm - 6.00pm every Friday. Amazingly, every week without fail has provided amazing conditions for sailing, so if you want to enjoy decent guaranteed weather, just come to CYE every Friday afternoon!

Our OnBoard club has a small number of spaces left, so if you are Year 7 or above and would like to join us, please email Chris Adams on

Friday, 9 September 2011

Young Ent's Camp

As usual the Young enterprisers summer camps was full this year: Full of children, 40 which is our maximum; Full of fun, we did almost all of CYE's regular activities plus a few bonus ones based around our theme of Charlie and the Chocolate factory; Full of God, With Terry Bateman giving a talk each evening after worship and Lorna presenting the Gospel message over breakfast time; and Full of weather we had everything from gorgeous sunshine to heavy downpours. But we didn't let that dampen our spirits and everyone had a fantastic week.

Families Weekend

This year, due to popular demand (as the saying goes) we ran 2 separate Families Weekends both of which included various activities tailored to Families or all ages and sizes. As well as an array of watersports, crabbing competitions, quiz nights and land activities to get stuck into, the families benefited from some great thought-provoking talks from various speakers. As always, there was competition built into the House Challenges with the August weekend in particular taking the 'friendly competition' to new heights!! Well done Team Killer Whales.