Thursday, 25 August 2011

Alpha 2011

Alpha 2011 had the theme of "Elections" which could sound bit dull, but it was awesome. The three teams thought up their own party names, with the "Rah" party, "Partay" and the "Bland" party all competing for who would rule over the new ship!
As well as the normal activities, we had bacon and sausage sandwiches for breakfast on the beach on Sunday morning, we went on a late night walk from Bosham back to CYE and had an awesome day trip which involved canoeing all the way to the very top of the Harbour at Fishbourne (where the high reeds make it seem like you're canoeing down a small river in the Amazon!) and then walking into Chichester to try and get members of the public to sign the three party's petitions - the winning team came up with a petition to ban people in Chichester from asking members of the public to sign random petitions... pure genius!
Ralph Buckingham (a past CYE staff member) gave the talks, which were really interactive with loads of video clips and followed the election theme and asked "Who's in control" of our lives?
The new ship was incredible to stay on, with the en-suite cabins and SO much space, one camper said "it's 10 times better than the old ship, I'm definitely coming next year"
If you want to get in early, Alpha next year will be 28th July - 3rd August 2012 and we can already take bookings.
We hope to see you there.

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