Friday 8 October 2010

A short Video

A short video of yesterday's events (please note this video has no sound)


  1. WOW! Great video footage, that is such an amazing sight!
    Feeling prity sad that the GD has gone and I missed the big event, it's quite a major landmark in CYE's history. But WOW it's exciting!
    God is faithful. What amazing plans he must have in store for CYE's future!
    Samuella :)

  2. Wow. That has made me surprisingly emotional. Really wanted to be there but the 5 hour round trip didn't fit with the school run. :-( Well done guys, a huge milestone. Big prayers. Alice (Palmer) Gould. xx

  3. I felt more emotional than I expected too.. It's quite a thing really! So odd too see the empty jetty!

    I look forward to the next installment - The new ship!

  4. Truly a moving scene! Delighted to see & hear about progress on the Barge, but tinged with sadness that the adventure that was the 'GD' has left for an adventure of its own. Memories of running courses back in the mid 80's and sleeping in the forepeak with No 1 son in a cot! And some of his earliest steps taken on board.

    From all of us who couldn't be there for the departure, thanks so very much for taking & posting this video.

  5. There are still some more parts of video to come in, such as the group photo on the deck of all the movers, and what happened next....
