Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Some things are posh and others are mundane. This blog could be the latter for some readers but others might be interested in the technicalities og fitting out.

The first picture is interesting as it shows the forward meeting room in use as a workshop. It has the ceiling in place and, yes, it is low. It was always going to be low and that is dictated by the original foredeck which could not be raised.

The plumbing in the plant room is approaching completion and, as expected, there is lots of it. This is because there are connections for the heat pump, the heating system, the hot water supplies and the solar panels, all designed to reduce running costs.

Then there are electrical control panels, one on the left for the waste water evacuation, the other for the heating system.

It is all coming together. It does not seem possible that it will be almost finished by the end of this month and then completely finished once the ship is moored at Chidham.

David Edwards Project Manager.

PS The new name for the ship has been decided. It is not the Enterprise so watch this space for an announcement. I will continue to use the name Project Enterprise for the time being to avoid confusion with contractors, subcontractors and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.

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